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124-sep-2019Extended studies of interspecific relationships in Daucus (Apiaceae) using DNA sequences from ten nuclear orthologuesMartínez Flores, Fernando  ; Crespo Villalba, Manuel Benito  ; Geoffriau, Emmanuel  ; Allender, Charlotte  ; Ruess, Holly  ; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin  ; Simon, Philipp  ; Spooner, David Michael 
228-jun-2016Lectotype designation for seven species names in the Daucus guttatus complex (Apiaceae) from the Central and Eastern Mediterranean BasinMartínez Flores, Fernando  ; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin  ; Reitsma, Kathleen  ; Juan, Ana  ; Simon, Philipp  ; Spooner, David Michael  ; Crespo Villalba, Manuel Benito