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115-ago-2012Effect of production environment, genotype and process on the mineral content of native bitter potato cultivars converted into white chuñoHaan, Stef de  ; Burgos, Gabriela  ; Ccanto, Raul  ; Arcos Pineda, Jesús  ; Scurrah, Maria  ; Salas Murrugarra, Elisa del Carmen  ; Bonierbale, Merideth 
211-ago-2010Traditional processing of black and white chuño in the peruvian andes: regional variants and effect on the mineral content of native potato cultivarsHaan, Stef de  ; Burgos, Gabriela  ; Arcos Pineda, Jesús  ; Ccanto, Raul  ; Scurrah, Maria  ; Salas Murrugarra, Elisa del Carmen  ; Bonierbale, Merideth